Christ Making All Things New

Our Story


Knowlton began in 1766 and has so far planted three daughter churches.  We are conscious of the pressures of daily life - the early morning commute, back-to-back meetings, job insecurity, and hectic children's activity schedules.  So while we seek as a community to provide many opportunities to know Jesus and make Him known together, we also try to keep life simple and sustainable.

Knowlton Presbyterian is a church in and for the community, existing to be a vibrant expression of who God is––gracious, present, and hospitable. We are part of that historical, counter-cultural community that Jesus started and continues to build, sustain, and perfect.


We’re a worshiping community rooted in the belief that the historic Christian gospel is true, compelling, and powerful to change lives towards freedom, wholeness, and hope. We seek to embody and articulate this gospel of grace, living out its many implications in our callings, in our neighborhoods, and in mission partnerships throughout the world.

We believe that the gospel is not something that “I have and someone else needs”; rather it’s something that everyone needs all the time. So we focus on celebrating the gospel - who Christ is and what He has done. In response to the good news of Christ we seek to serve our local community and pray for her peace.

together, we desire to celebrate and communicate the LOVE OF God

We try to communicate in our immediate context while being rooted in the deep, rich teaching of the church, wholeheartedly embracing the orthodox Christian faith as expressed in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds.  We are committed to the theological heritage of the Protestant Church as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith. We are connected to the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), a denomination dedicated to the inerrant Word of God, to Reformed theology, and to the Great Commission. We partner with ministries throughout the region, including a fine arts cooperative, an addictions counseling non-profit, a pregnancy resource center, and the West Hudson Presbytery. Knowlton is also active globally in community development, disaster relief, the starting of new congregations, and the training of church leaders.  We are blessed to have a full range of ages, ethnicities, professions, backgrounds, interests, gifts, and stories.  Our common story is one of lives changed by the free grace of God in Jesus Christ; you have friends here and we welcome you in Jesus' name.

None of us have it all together. Thankfully, Jesus does. So wherever you are on your spiritual journey, whether skeptical or mildly curious about Christianity, or whether you are already a committed follower of Christ, we welcome you.