The mission of God is hard to capture in catch-phrases and slogans. It encompasses the whole counsel of God to redeem his beloved world from the curse of Genesis 3 and bring it to the blessed vision of Revelation 21 – God dwelling with his people; the end of mourning, pain and death; all things created new. The phrase – Christ Making All Things New – summarizes the good news articulated in Colossians 1:15-20 and Revelation 21:3-5.
While the fullest extent of these blessings awaits God’s sovereign intervention at the culmination of history, Christ - in his life, death, and resurrection - has already launched the kingdom of God. The scope is unlimited: all things. The destination is unique: reconciliation with God. So we envision a church community where individual hearts, families, and entire communities reflect in the details of life here on earth the glorious realities of heaven.
We pray and labor for the reconciliation of all things, for freedom from the power, penalty, and presence of sin. Relying on the power of his Spirit in this age, we pray for Christ’s return with glory to bring all things to his God-glorifying conclusion. The end goal of reconciliation with God is the united worship of God, that all nations and all of creation might glorify God together.
We also acknowledge that as a particular community, God has knit together individuals and families with a diversity of callings and interests. Some are artists, builders, medical workers, truck drivers, musicians, teachers, engineers, janitors, poets, editors, and more. Some are energized by mercy, justice, apologetics, family life, and creative endeavors. We pray and labor for gospel reconciliation in all arenas of life, encouraging discovery and imagination among our people, animated by the good news of the kingdom of God.
The gospel (literally, the ‘good news’) is that the Son of God entered history, walked among us, lived a perfect life of obedience to God the Father, suffered, died, and rose again on behalf of His people - people He loved before the creation of the world, people who don’t deserve to be died for, people from every language group and culture. God the Holy Spirit uses the preaching of this gospel to bring new life to spiritually dead people. He takes people who were previously trusting in themselves or in some man-made religion and unites them to Jesus by giving them the gift of faith – looking away from ourselves and trusting Christ, that Christ’s obedience and death on the cross have reconciled us to God, that Jesus is the Lord who governs all things, including us.
By his death on the cross, Jesus takes away our guilt. By his resurrection from the dead we are declared truly just and righteous in the sight of God. Giving us his Spirit, Jesus is present with us, giving us the power and desire to love God and to love others. As Lord of all, Jesus is restoring all of creation. He graciously calls you to turn from your sins, to depend upon him alone, and—setting aside your fears and failures—to live with hope in who he is, what he has done, and what he will do! Jesus didn’t come merely to improve us. He came to make us new.
"Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Col 1:28)
See the team that equips us to carry out this vision of hearing the gospel and living out its implications in our community.